Tag: control

  • Moderne Verkehrsregelung

    Während in Berlin ein Wagen voll Handies virtuelle Staus verursacht, dürfen Autofahrer in Mumbai länger an der Ampel stehen, je lauter sie hupen.

  • WhatsApp features

    Endlich. WhatsApp is finally rolling out a feature that will prevent anyone from adding you to a group without your permission from today. Aber vielleicht ist Signal doch die mehr zu empfehlende Lösung. Source: WhatsApp finally lets you prevent people from adding you to their shitty groups

  • Samsung warnt.

    Samsung warnt: Bitte achten Sie darauf, nichts Privates vor unseren SmartTVs zu erzählen via netzpolitik.org.

  • Risk assessment process

    Threat identification is the review of technical and technical events that may damage a system System characterization is the review of system and data criticality and sensitivity Control analysis is the review of current and planned countermeasures against security requirements checklists. Vulnerability identification is the review of system security procedures, design, implementation, or internal controls…