Tag: disruptive

  • Tesla teardown of Tesla electronics

    Japanese researches looked into a recent Tesla Model 3. Their analysis has some interesting findings over traditional car manufacturing methods. In particular when it comes to electronics, “ECUs” how they’re called in the automotive world, “Electronical Control Units” A regular Toyota or European car relies on dozens or more of these to make the car…

  • Is cloud computing truly, truly disruptive?

    “Disruption” is one of those words that has been overused, being applied to every little product or service that comes to market, or every new company that emerges. Cloud computing and digital technologies, for example, are branded by many as “disruptive.” New services and business models sweeping through markets, such as Uber and Airbnb, are…

  • Don't aim for disruptive

    The tech industry is optimizing everything around us, disrupting every aspect of social, business or whatsoever. The thought everything will be easier is just so tempting to everybody remotely involved in anything remotely digital. And that’s why so many app-developers, start-ups, evangelists feel inspired by the opportunity. Every new idea needs to be ground breaking,…

  • Disruptive.

    Disruptive Innovation, as a concept, is overused in business literature to an unbearable level, and almost permanently misused by startups and self proclaimed thought leaders, describing their own new app or promoting their own blog. And no, Uber is not disruptive, either. No app monetizing on people sharing things is. Internet to allow this, is.