Tag: Link

  • Meanwhile at Windows Copilot

    Get it the **** off my system” and “in the trash where it belongs” were common refrains as users voiced their displeasure at having Copilot forced upon them. Numerous reports emerged of people immediately disabling, hiding, or removing the AI assistant

  • Robotic process automation is booming

    It’s not only UiPath’s IPO. The company has been a hot candidate in the industry for a while now and enterprise software vendors have tried to jump on board the train. The IPO makes the success measurable. Robotic process automation platform UiPath added its name to the list of companies pursuing public-market offerings this morning…

  • Computer giant Acer hit by $50 million ransomware attack

    Computer giant Acer has been hit by a REvil ransomware attack where the threat actors are demanding the largest known ransom to date, $50,000,000. Source: Computer giant Acer hit by $50 million ransomware attack

  • Don’t be a “leader”

    Successful leaders must recognize that their role is much more than the endgame of a specialist. Leading requires constant learning and a balance of specialized and broad knowledge. Source: Don’t be a “leader”

  • Little Bobby enjoys moments like this.

    Little Bobby is a Sunday Morning Web Comic on Technology and Security.

  • The handover.

    Yes. Just like this. Every time.

  • Blursed Pillow

    An sich hat man vor solchen LiPos ja Respekt. Ist ja gefährlich. Das Kissen ist dagegen ziemlich OK, für den geneigten Nerd. Kann man bei Redbubble kaufen.

  • 2020 is weird

    Five Months into the year of 2020, I wouldn’t be surprised about this kind of new neighbors, either. Indeed, 2020 is weird so far. Source: Channelate

  • Datenreichtum bei Easyjet

    Hacker hacken… Easyjet: Die Fluggesellschaft Easyjet ist Opfer eines Hackerangriffs geworden. Unbekannte hatten Zugang zu den Daten von rund neun Millionen Reisenden. Bei manchen Kunden geht es auch um Kreditkartendaten. Der SPIEGEL Source: Easyjet räumt Datenleck ein, neun Millionen Kunden betroffen – DER SPIEGEL

  • Papercraft

    For those bored in isolation, you can now build your own vintage computer. From paper. Following the instructions from Rocky Bergen, an artist and designer. Should work well with kids, too! Link: Papercraft.