Tag: thoughts

  • Corona

    Corona: An sich ist es ja ganz prima, dass die Reproduktionszahl ‘R’ stabil ist und die Zahl der aktiv erkrankten langsam zurückgeht. Das Vorgehen ist ja zu unterstützen es gilt weiterhin daheim zu bleiben. Die Ausbreitung dieser Krankheit zu verhindern muss weiterhin höchstes Ziel sein und die Wirtschaft darf gerne hinter diesem Ziel zurück stehen.…

  • Why Would You NEVER Apply Agile Software Development Processes?

    A central statement in the Agile Manifesto is to put Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Many development teams, in particular those with less experience, lack the self sufficiency to deal with this freedom. It’s probably not the exact answer to the question, but it makes Agile a lot more difficult. Here is the original…

  • A couple of weeks later…

    A few weeks into the new role, I’m busy with all the new and exciting responsibilities. Being in charge for a product is fantastic, all along with the rising technology in the Internet of Things makes it a really unique experience. Also the approach to the market broadens my horizon and there are so many…

  • Convenience Containers

    Containers, in particular represented through the hype around Docker, get a greater share of attention of the IT world for the past year or two. And it happens for good reason. Just like other virtualization techniques, containers allow for easier deployment, for better maintainability, for improved management of applications, for better hardware utilization and for…

  • Procure Secure

    A very important question, not asked often enough. In particular not at conferences around security. Even more when sponsored by companies trying to sell their security product. At the Secure Munich Conference, somebody asked this question. In a discussion that followed a Sales Engineer presenting their security product, trying to make a sound differentiation between…