
  • Tech layoffs spread (a bit)

    Are January layoffs just a few post-WeWork jitters? TechCrunch has found itself writing about layoffs at a few notable tech companies this week — and not just Softbank-backed ones. The focus is very much profits, as Alex Wilhelm summed up on Thursday, especially after the failed WeWork IPO and subsequent valuation and headcount decimation. We’ll…

  • Python 3.8.0b4 is now available for testing

    It’s time for the last beta release of Python 3.8. Go find it at: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-380b4/ This release is the last of four planned beta release previews. Beta release previews are intended to give the wider community the opportunity to test new features and bug fixes and to prepare their projects to support the new feature…

  • T-Mobile received clearance to merge with Sprint

    T-Mobile has received clearance from the DOJ to complete its $26.5 billion merger with Sprint (S, TMUS) Source: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/sprint-t-mobile-merger-approved-by-doj-stock-price-reaction-2019-7-1028389070

  • Die Analyse des Tages

    Sascha Lobo analysiert gelassen und objektiv die allgemeine Situation. Nach dem heutigen Tag kann ich die (auch hier von Euch) oft gestellte Frage "Sind denn alle verrückt geworden?" klar beantworten: Ja. Alle. — Sascha Lobo (@saschalobo) October 12, 2015

  • Smartphones are the primary internet device in 2015.

    Coming from 15% in 2013, smartphones are the primary device to connect to the internet only two years later. 2015 that that went up to 33%. Laptop and Desktop lost significantly in the same period. https://twitter.com/benedictevans/status/629157862732738564

  • Politik: Wir und die anderen. #VDS

    Das ist sicher nicht so gemeint von der Politik, das gibt sicher einen vollkommen nachvollziehbaren Grund. https://twitter.com/MarianSteinbach/status/612326357339652096 via: Schlecky Silberstein

  • Technology is not our destiny. #dld15

    @amcafee: Technology is not our destiny. We shape our destiny. 🆕"Technology is not our destiny.We shape our destiny."#dld15 @amcafee pic.twitter.com/bs4vCqivnk — Antonio Vieira Santos (@AkwyZ) January 18, 2015 via Twitter.

  • Erkenntnis des Tages

    “Der Mensch spielt beim Thema ‘Cyber’ eine entscheidende Rolle.”

  • killer-robots.txt

    Nice one: http://www.google.com/killer-robots.txt User-Agent: T-1000 User-Agent: T-800 Disallow: /+LarryPage Disallow: /+SergeyBrin via Hackernews.

  • Recovery Strategy Considerations

    The setup, maintenance, and execution of the recovery strategy must cost no more than the value of protecting the relevant technological asset or business process. Ensure that the financial benefit of the chosen strategy equals or outweighs the total cost of the strategy.