Author: Andreas

  • DIY Hardware Bitcoin Workshop

    DIY Hardware Bitcoin Workshop: Later this afternoon, Kim Neunert together with Stepan Snigirev of Cryptoadvance Inc. gave a workshop. Topic was to introduce the audience to building a DIY Bitcoin Hardware Wallet. In particular, the hands on workshop had a goal for the interested to get a DIY platform to work and create transactions of…

  • Man vs. Machine Coffee

    Da wäre mehr Kontrast drin gewesen. Man vs. Machine Coffee, Müllerstr. München. X100F.

  • Product Management Predictions

    Product Management Predictions: With January already over, it’s a bit late for annual forecasts. But then again, looking into the future is a secret superpower every Product Manager should look to develop. Therefore, it’s never too late to have an understanding of what comes up next. Mason Adair of Digital Product People did so for…

  • Off Facebook Activity

    Off Facebook Activity is a tool, that let’s Facebook users see which sites they used outside of Facebook. The tool is as creepy as you would think it would be. Facebook, through it’s like buttons and other embeds, has sheer unlimited insight into personal browsing behaviour. In an attempt by the company to create more…

  • Product First Step Feedback

    Product First Step Feedback: Having worked in customer facing roles most of my career, I have experienced first hand how important it is for clients to get quick impressions of a product. Opportunities to leave that impression are often limited. The other night, a colleague argued most products don’t even need a UI. And a…

  • Kunstbehandlung

    Kunstbehandlung: Ausstellungsraum in der Müllerstraße 40, 80469 München daily, 29.01.2020

  • Lenbachhaus

    daily, 28.01.2020

  • Privacy in the Platform Economy

    Privacy in the Platform Economy: In the tracking business, access to the customers desktop was in firm hands of Google and Facebook. Until recently! SnakeOil promises people security to get them install software that’s capable of eavesdropping ssl and all other access to a computers interaction. Quite obvious to see this is a good source…

  • Project SearchWing

    Project SearchWing is aiming to build an autonomous drone. It’s leveraged to find castaways in the Mediterranean. The device is in use in Missions by Sea Watch. Daily, 27.01.2020

  • City Streets

    Draw all streets at once. Probably qualifies as generative art, which exists way too little in this blog. Even though the author has some roots in it.