Category: Product, Projekt & Agile

  • Apple is building its own processors

    During this years wwdc2020, Apple announced it’s own silicon for future Mac computers. This is HUGE. After the switch from 68xxx to PowerPC and to Intel, this is the fourth change of HW Platform for the company. Mainly, it means a huge message to Intel, who has been providing CPUs for the popular Mac Computers.…

  • Feature Value

    K2, over dinner: “I want to have a huge pile of wood in front of my window!” Me: “Why would you want to have a huge pile of wood in front of your window?” K2: “So everybody who needs some wood can take some!” He’s definitely going to be a Product Manager some day.

  • Implementing feedback into our work culture

    Healthy organizations are places in which feedback is encouraged, even if it’s about issues that are not easy to hear. How does this work? Source: Implementing feedback into our work culture

  • Curated links for Product Managers is a curated page with resources for Product Managers

  • Product Management Predictions

    Product Management Predictions: With January already over, it’s a bit late for annual forecasts. But then again, looking into the future is a secret superpower every Product Manager should look to develop. Therefore, it’s never too late to have an understanding of what comes up next. Mason Adair of Digital Product People did so for…

  • Product First Step Feedback

    Product First Step Feedback: Having worked in customer facing roles most of my career, I have experienced first hand how important it is for clients to get quick impressions of a product. Opportunities to leave that impression are often limited. The other night, a colleague argued most products don’t even need a UI. And a…

  • The right perspective

    The right perspective: Perspective is important. For Product Managers in particular!

  • Team Product Ownership

    Team Product Ownership is a desirable property for any scrum team. Age of Product shares a few thoughts on how to encourage teams to think about customers and the product more. Learn how to encourage product ownership with an initial day-long product mindset workshop for your Scrum team β€” #Mindset #Productdesign #Productdiscovery Source: Age…

  • Product Owner vs. Product Manager

    Product Owner vs. Product Manager: Product Management is a challenging role and requires diverse skills. Large organisation often introduce a split between two similar, close roles – Product Ownership and Product Management. Both requires a large set of skills. Jordan Bergtraum, The Product Mentor, a mentor at The Product Guy, leads a conversation on this…

  • The North Star Playbook

    The North Star As a concept, the North Star principle gained a lot of attention in Product Management recently. Amplitude, a vendor of analytics tools, has a guideline to this concept. Their playbook walks product managers, those that want to enter the domain or even those just curious about methods and principles through the ideas.…