Tag: calendar

  • The Y2038 Problem

    The Y2038 problem is similar to the Y2K problem. We’re exactly in between both about now. Both are 18 years away, in either direction. While Y2K is over and was obvious to everyone, Y2038 is not. The issue here relates to a representation of date and time in Unix systems, and is therefore sometimes referred…

  • 26 incredibly useful Google Calendar tips

    Google Calendar is sure popular with people in likewise positions. The linked article has a bunch of pointers that I had no clue about yet. Those are useful for me, thought I share. Upgrade your agenda with this cornucopia of advanced options, shortcuts, and features for Google Calendar. Source: 26 incredibly useful Google Calendar tips

  • Lanyrd.com

    Neben techism.de, auf die an dieser Stelle noch einmal hingewiesen sei, gibt es noch einen Veranstaltungskalender, der Conferenzen und Meetings in München verzeichnet: lanyrd.com bzw. Conferences in Munich | Lanyrd.