Tag: cloudflare

  • The “Supercloud”

    It used to be client/server architecture. That became the cloud. With distributed content delivery infrastructures moving towards compute models, it became “edge.” Whereas the debate has always been where code should run. On the server, that is remote, or with the client, that is possibly weak in compute and does not have the data necessary.…

  • Cloudflare announces R2 Storage

    CloudFlare hat heute eine neue Storage Option vorgestellt. Der Service, abgekürzt R2, das alternativ für “Really Requestable”,  “Ridiculously Reliable” oder “Radically Reprogrammable” stehen soll, ist der Ankündigung zufolge vollständig mit S3 von Amazon API kompatibel. Der wichtigste Punkt der Ankündigung scheint aber die Kosten Abgrenzung zu anderen Cloud-Storgae Services zu sein. Gleich in der Ankündigung…

  • appfleet joins Cloudflare

    appfleet is a Poland based company that develops and offers edge hosting of containerised apps. Edge computing is a trend that emerged a few years back and allows to bring applications closer to the end user, therefore reducing latency and improving user experience. Cloudflare, a player strong in this space, now acquired appfleet, augmenting it’s…

  • Multiplayer Doom on Cloudflare Workers

    “Does it run Doom?” is the ultimate nerd test for technology. CloudFlare passed today running multiplayer Doom on their edge worker network: So, if a developer wants to run their next hit, say a real-time multiplayer game, using nothing but their app and Workers, without any servers or traditional infrastructure, can they? Let’s prove they…

  • CloudFlare extends to China

    CloudFlare extends it’s presence in China through partnering with JD Cloud & AI. The company is currently present in 17 datacenters in mainland China.

  • Cloudflare sets IPO price range

  • Specification of DNS over Dedicated QUIC Connections

    Specification of DNS over Dedicated QUIC Connections

  • Net Defender CloudFlare Goes Down, Taking Many Websites With It

    The Internet was built with de-centralized infrastructures in mind. To scale globally, network providers like CloudFlare have emerged, to run decentralized infrastructures and offer them as a service. In general, keeping service independent of each others and maintaining heterogeneous networks have a proven track record of resilience, that is not necessarily inherent to the architecture…