Tag: data

  • Why Do Companies Need All That Personal Data They’re Collecting?

    It’s the Tech perspective, but has the potential for a good debate. Under GDPR it’s not even compliant and still plenty of companies collect all data they can get hold of. Driven by Big Data vendors telling the narrative of Data Lakes, that only require you the data today, should you want to ask any…

  • Not so big data.

    Chris Stucchio hat einen interessanten Punkt bzgl. Big Data. Nämlich, dass Big Data heißt gar nicht Big ist. Nur weil Excel einen Datensatz nicht öffnen kann, heisst das nicht automatisch, dass Big Data Tools – in seinem Aufsatz Hadoop – notwendig sind. Gigabyteweise Daten lassen sich auch anders verarbeiten. Moderne Hardware hat nicht selten mehrere GB an Hauptspeicher. Die…

  • Data and Goliath

    Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World Bruce Schneier wrote a book about Big Data, mass surveilance and the Internet of Things. Schneier talks about how this effects society and what to do about the increasing datarization of everything we’re doing.

  • Six security issues to tackle before encrypting cloud data

    The six issues that must be addressed are: – Breach notification and data residency – Data management at rest – Data protection in motion – Encryption key management – Access controls – Long-term resiliency of the encryption system via: Six security issues to tackle before encrypting cloud data.