Tag: fraud

  • Bitcoin geklaut

    Bitcoin geklaut

    Nun ist es ja an sich keine große Nachricht mehr, wenn irgendwo Bitcoin abhanden kommen. In dem Fall ist es trotzdem bemerkenswert, weil es sich bei Luke Dashjr um einen der profiliertesten Bitcoin Core Entwickler handelt. Soweit bisher bekannt ist, hat der Entwickler bekanntgegeben, dass sein PGP Key kompromittiert wurde. Darüber hinaus weiss man wenig.…

  • Hackers have stolen record $3 billion in cryptocurrency

    … and that’s this year only so far. CBS reports the previous years record has already been broken in October this year. The source for this information is blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis. About $718 million in digital assets were taken in October alone, according to blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis. Source: Hackers have stolen record $3…

  • 49 suspected members of cybercriminal group arrested in Europe

    Don’t really want to have a category called “cyber”, but some of the headlines ask for it. The arrested persons are suspected of committing financial fraud through email scamming. That qualifies as “cyber”. via: 49 suspected members of cybercriminal group arrested in Europe

  • Schneier on CAs.

    Bruce Schneier comments the CA system is broken.