Tag: learning

  • The Y2038 Problem

    The Y2038 problem is similar to the Y2K problem. We’re exactly in between both about now. Both are 18 years away, in either direction. While Y2K is over and was obvious to everyone, Y2038 is not. The issue here relates to a representation of date and time in Unix systems, and is therefore sometimes referred…

  • Lifelong Learning

    Lifelong Learning

    IEEE’s Educational Activities Committee (EAC) invited me for their regular meeting, that happens May 13th and 14th in Porto, Portugal. Me being there is to represent Action for Industry Committee (AfI). On first priority, the attendance is to foster inter-committee cooperation. However, one of the items we’d love to promote to industry, but to everybody else, is that…

  • MIT offers Internet of Things #iot training for professionals

    Students will leave the course with an understanding of the foundational principals, architectures, applications, security and protocols that underpin the IoT, an MIT dean says. IoT gains traction, also in education. via: MIT offers Internet of Things training for professionals