Tag: management

  • On Digitalised Product Management

    Again. Having read the few words from yesterday, it’s probably difficult to follow. So, let me try a bit more structured to write up on the points I was trying to make are: Product and Service Business are different cultures. Both have established methods. Digitisation requires Digital Transformation. Digital Transformation won’t happen without a conscious decision. Digitised…

  • On Digitalised Product Management

    Now the family left me here for the afternoon, I have some time to exercise blogging and put down a few thoughts on my recent job. To write in a cosy environment, a lit the fireplace at the house we are staying in. The result is as favourable as you may imagine. Only the missing bear fur could…

  • Docker 1.10

    Docker announced version 1.10 past week. The new release contains more than 100 improvements over the previous version. New features include better resource management, a more flexible docker-compose file format and improvements to security. These are in particular through user namespace isolation, implementation of seccomp for syscall filtering and an authorization plugin to restrict access…

  • eMail. Still.

    Year 2015. Still eMail is the predominant means of communication. Everybody hates it, most companies make an effort to ban it. Atos wanted to go email free, Telekom shuts off their servers, Daimler even deletes email for people on vacation. Even I receive emails, saying “I need this, but I cannot answer”, quoting the “email…

  • Sexy Project Management

    Sexy Project Management Sexy Project Management

  • Types of Risk Assessment

    Qualitative The financial officer’s estimate that password scanning attacks are highly probable. The IT manager’s opinion on what impact a flood would have on the server room. Quantitative The cost to the company for being offline for one day / it’s servers being offline for one day. The expected, total number of DDoS attacks per…

  • Importance of Risk Management

    Risk Management is important, because it: enables identification and protection of all critical assets helps ensure legal compliance

  • Lessons Learneds – Flight Projects Directorate Code 400

    Raum- und Mondmissionen sind berühmt für hervorragendes Projektmanagement und so finden sich bei der NASA auch schöne Dokumente zu dem Thema. Besonders schön zu lesen sind die 128. von Jerry Madden, Retired Associate Director (400), niedergeschriebenen Erfahrungen (Lessons Learned) zu lesen. Bezüglich Meetings hat er eine ganze Reihe von Ratschlägen. Einer hat meine ganz besondere…

  • IEEE TMC Workshop on Integrated Project and Quality Management 21.06.2013 Munich

    IEEE TMC Workshop on Integrated Project and Quality Management 21.06.2013 Munich

    Das Technology Management Council der deutschen Sektion des IEEE veranstaltet am 21. Juni einen Workshop zum Thema “Integrieres Projekt und Qualitätsmanagement“. Ziel des Workshop ist den Zustand der gängigen Methoden zu bestimmen und praktische Beispiele zu liefern, wie Qualitätsmanagement eine schnelle und zuverlässige Daten-Quelle zur Entscheidungsfindung sein kann. Veranstaltungsort ist die TU München, Arcisstr. 21,…

  • Wie man richtig Produktiv ist.

    Den meisten wird das alles bekannt vorkommen.   Und genau die gleichen werden alles leugnen, was einer anständigen Produktivität so im Weg steht:     via How to Destroy Your Productivity & Sales Effectiveness [Infographic] – B2B Marketing.