Tag: ownership

  • Django Model-Owner

    The option to make a model owned by a user is actually documented for the Django Admin app. However, for reference, here are the steps: First, the model you want to have an owner needs to reference “User” as a foreign key: (in models.py) class Website(models.Model): submitted_by = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE) url = models.URLField() Provided you…

  • Team Product Ownership

    Team Product Ownership is a desirable property for any scrum team. Age of Product shares a few thoughts on how to encourage teams to think about customers and the product more. Learn how to encourage product ownership with an initial day-long product mindset workshop for your Scrum team — Age-of-Product.com. #Mindset #Productdesign #Productdiscovery Source: Age…