Tag: technology

  • Here's What Real 3D Touch Looks Like | WIRED

    With all the advertisements from Apple about their 3D touch technology, virtually everybody that actually got their hands on the devices was somewhat disappointed with the advancement. There must be options beyond peek and pop, and startup Qeexos develops this real 3D touch technology. Wired has an article on the possibilities. You may soon be…

  • Inaudible sounds to track you for ads.

    Following the recent debate about ad-technology and how annoying it is and advertisers insight, you may have though it could only get better from there. Turns out, it can be worse if these claims about tracking through inaudible sounds from ads hold true. Privacy advocates warn feds about surreptitious cross-device tracking. Quelle: Ars Technica Even…

  • Technology is not our destiny. #dld15

    @amcafee: Technology is not our destiny. We shape our destiny. 🆕"Technology is not our destiny.We shape our destiny."#dld15 @amcafee pic.twitter.com/bs4vCqivnk — Antonio Vieira Santos (@AkwyZ) January 18, 2015 via Twitter.

  • HTML5 APIs and related technologies

      HTML5-APIs-and-related-technologies-by-Sergey-Mavrody.png (PNG-Grafik, 1778 × 1206 Pixel).