Tag: Agile

  • Agile Theatre

    Did you ever work in waterfall managed projects? Coming to a company that introduced agile just recently, chances are you will recognise plenty of behavioural patterns. Playing the waterfall game to pretend to be agile is called an agile theatre.

  • Product Management Predictions

    Product Management Predictions: With January already over, it’s a bit late for annual forecasts. But then again, looking into the future is a secret superpower every Product Manager should look to develop. Therefore, it’s never too late to have an understanding of what comes up next. Mason Adair of Digital Product People did so for…

  • The possibility to understand: SaaS Product Metrics

    Part of the compelling nature of SaaS Products is the possibility to understand the user and improve on the go. Any Product Manager will literally have to understand what are the use-cases for customers and how to focus on the important areas. Just recently our team led the debate which metrics would be the right…

  • Do away with the Product Owner Role

    Mike Cohn of Mountain Goat Software has an opinion on Scrum’s Product Owner Role. It’s controversial, and Product people will disagree.

  • Why Would You NEVER Apply Agile Software Development Processes?

    A central statement in the Agile Manifesto is to put Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Many development teams, in particular those with less experience, lack the self sufficiency to deal with this freedom. It’s probably not the exact answer to the question, but it makes Agile a lot more difficult. Here is the original…

  • Culture and Organizational Change

    Culture and Organizational Change

    Just a small observation I made during AWS Transformation Day. While the entire theme for the event was on transforming business, the schedule had one track for “Culture and Organizational Change” alone. While Culture and Organizational Change is a broad and huge topic, but it is necessary and makes the difference for agility in rapidly…

  • Product Management vs Product Ownership

    The organisation that I am part of introduced an overlaying Product Management department only fairly recently, less than a year ago. Early in the time it was exciting to see this role dedicated to market and customer perspective, but it raised questions over how this was different from Product Ownership from day one. Over the…


    Das Pentagon hat sich vom Defense Innovation Boards ein Papier erarbeiten lassen, wie Agile BS zu erkennen ist. Die ein oder andere Frage wird dem geneigten Leser aus der Softwarebranche sicher bekannt vorkommen. Das Paper ist hier: DIB_DETECTING_AGILE_BS_2018.10.05.PDF

  • Fixing issues in Software

    So machen Profis das. Applied the patch, closing ticket. pic.twitter.com/bB1vBN87pU — The Javvad Malik A.I. (@J4vv4D) July 20, 2018

  • Agile Werte

    Mein Team führt schon seit geraumer Zeit eine Diskussion darüber, wie man den Prozess verbessern kann. Und das ist auch gut, denn ständige Verbesserung ist ein zentraler Bestandteil jeden agilen Handelns. Allerdings liegt die Antwort auf die Frage nie in Werkzeugen und deren Möglichkeiten. Um das Problem zu lösen muss dessen Ursache verstanden werden. Jira…