Tag: development

  • Communication in Software Projects. gif’d.

    Everybody in software development knows the feeling. In every position involved, right? Source:

  • A new decade

    A new decade

    31. December 2019 marks the end of a decade. Time to reflect upon the past years but also to look forward and think about exciting developments.

  • The Road to Python3

    When Python3 came out in 2009, it was already heavily debated. Python3 would be incompatible with previous versions of the popular language, but fix many drawbacks. While the vision was clear and the community initially planned to move forward much quicker. The demand for having a 2.x branch was so huge, however, that the community…

  • GitHub Actions

    GitHub today released a CI/CD Tool, GitHub Actions. With the tight integration into development workflows and rich, community maintained build-command, actions appears an interesting competitor in the market. As a minimum, the release indicates the importance of CI/CD for the modern software development lifecycle. Developer productivity and frictionless workflows have been buzzwords for the past…

  • Product Management vs Product Ownership

    The organisation that I am part of introduced an overlaying Product Management department only fairly recently, less than a year ago. Early in the time it was exciting to see this role dedicated to market and customer perspective, but it raised questions over how this was different from Product Ownership from day one. Over the…

  • GitHub announces Package Registry

    GitHub announces Package Registry

    Your code. Your packages. One login. Meet GitHub Package Registry. https://github.co/2vSuFG2 From the announcement on LinkedIn The other day wrote this in their post on LinkedIn. Following the link takes one to the newly announced Github Package Registry, that allows developers to host releases for distribution. It’s currently in beta and supports npm, docker images,…

  • Infosec community

    Gerade brennt eine Security Diskussion darum, dass Videolan Updates für seinen Mediaplayer nur über http:// ausliefert. Auch meiner Meinung nach entspricht das nicht dem Standard von 2019, aber hey. Wohl hatten die Entwickler verschiedene Argumente, an dem Verfahren festzuhalten. Signaturen via gpg, Maintenance, Aufwand und so. Jedenfalls eröffnet die Situation eine spannende Diskussion darüber was…

  • django-braces

    Nachdem die view-decorators seit der Einführung von Class Based Generic Views nicht mehr funktionieren ist ein Ersatz oft gebraucht. brack3t/django-braces fasst die gängigen Funktionen, wie beispielsweise LoginRequired oder PermissionRequired, sinnvoll zusammen.

  • Memcached turns 10

    Memcached wird 10 Jahre alt. Schreibt Arstechnica – memcached turns 10 years old

  • Django Settings

    Um Django in verschiedenen Umgebungen betreiben zu können, kann man das settings.py verwenden. Oft genug passiert es, dass eine Umgebung von der anderen nur in einem Parameter unterscheidet. In der Regel ist das DEBUG = (True|False).