Tag: reading

  • Team Product Ownership

    Team Product Ownership is a desirable property for any scrum team. Age of Product shares a few thoughts on how to encourage teams to think about customers and the product more. Learn how to encourage product ownership with an initial day-long product mindset workshop for your Scrum team — Age-of-Product.com. #Mindset #Productdesign #Productdiscovery Source: Age…

  • The North Star Playbook

    The North Star As a concept, the North Star principle gained a lot of attention in Product Management recently. Amplitude, a vendor of analytics tools, has a guideline to this concept. Their playbook walks product managers, those that want to enter the domain or even those just curious about methods and principles through the ideas.…

  • Reading recommendations

    When a dear friend asked for my reading list today, I didn’t have a proper answer beyond all of what is on my nightstand. There are still „5000 Jahre Schulden“ (David Graeber), „Machine, Platform, Crowd“ (Andrew McAfee  (Autor), Erik Brynjolfsson (Autor)), „The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance: Hacking the Future of Money“ (Brett Scott) and „Die drei Sonnen“…

  • The terrifying, hidden reality of Ridiculously Complicated Algorithms

    Leseempfehlung: Ein Journalist spricht mit einem anonymen Big Data Engineer/Analyst über die Komplexität von Algorithmen. Wie erschreckend die Abhängigkeit von undurchschaubaren Komponenten geworden ist gegenüber dem Einfluss den Maschinen damit auf unser Leben haben. Man kann das auch als Laie verstehen, wie ich meine, selbst mein Verständnis von Big Data reicht nur so weit als…