Tag: security

  • Palantir founding member of Gaia-X

    Palantir is an US based company specialising in Big Data, with a very particular focus on decision making for governental and corporate situations. The companies products have inspiring names like Gotham or Metropolis and have sparked ethical controversies, when it comes to their usage. In particular these two products provides capabilities to military and police,…

  • ATM Security

    Jedes Schild hat eine Geschichte. Und so wahrscheinlich auch dieses. Man mag ja gar nicht drüber nachdenken, ob denn noch andere Gegenstände als nur Büroklammern gemeint sind. daily, photo, 15.09.2020.

  • Snyk closes mega funding round

    Snyk closes mega funding round: the London based company offers open-source services and products for modern security. The company announced the funding round on it’s own blog. The company, founded by Guy Podjarny, grew rapidly since it’s founding in 2015. The product addresses modern security needs for a container driven IT world. With open source…

  • Kurze Durchsage von Peter Schaar

    Kurze Durchsage von Peter Schaar zur Telefonortung wegen Corona: Handy-Ortung war demzufolge keine Idee der wissenschaftlichen Beratungskommission für die Corona-Pandemie. Es war die gesellschaftliche Situation, die es der Politik ermöglicht hat, einen lang gehegten Wunsch umzusetzen. Peter Schaar war übrigens von 2003 bis 2013 Bundesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (BfDI). Update: Ulrich Kelber, der amtierende…

  • CloudFront and Lambda at the Edge

    AWS OfficeHours with Woodrow Arrington and David Brown, both Senior Product Managers on the AWS CloudFront Team. They discuss the benefits of CDN technology and use-cases of Lambda@Edge. The video touches security related considerations.

  • ‘We’ve created a privacy industry’

    ‘We’ve created a privacy industry’ was a statement you could often hear when Europe introduced General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the German implementation DatenSchutz GrundVerOrdnung (DSGVO). Already back in 2016 first predictions arrived, that GDPR will boost European software industry and give them a unique selling point. After the regulation became effective in Europe…

  • Off Facebook Activity

    Off Facebook Activity is a tool, that let’s Facebook users see which sites they used outside of Facebook. The tool is as creepy as you would think it would be. Facebook, through it’s like buttons and other embeds, has sheer unlimited insight into personal browsing behaviour. In an attempt by the company to create more…

  • Privacy in the Platform Economy

    Privacy in the Platform Economy: In the tracking business, access to the customers desktop was in firm hands of Google and Facebook. Until recently! SnakeOil promises people security to get them install software that’s capable of eavesdropping ssl and all other access to a computers interaction. Quite obvious to see this is a good source…

  • Twelve Million Phones, One Dataset, Zero Privacy

    Twelve Million Phones, One Dataset, Zero Privacy is part one of One nation, tracked, an New York Times investigation series.

  • Security Nightmares beim 36C3

    Wie jedes Jahr , jedenfalls seit 1999 während des 19C3 in Berlin, haben Frank und Ron auch dieses Jahr wieder Ihren Vortrag Security Nightmares beim 36C3 zu Sicherheitsbezogenen Vor- und Rückschauen gehalten. In einer Rückschau auf diesen ersten Vortrag “vor zwanzig Jahren” blicken die beiden auf die Vorhersagen von Damals und die Ereignisse der letzte…