Tag: seo

  • The possibility to understand: SaaS Product Metrics

    Part of the compelling nature of SaaS Products is the possibility to understand the user and improve on the go. Any Product Manager will literally have to understand what are the use-cases for customers and how to focus on the important areas. Just recently our team led the debate which metrics would be the right…

  • #bcmuc: Links generieren

  • Piwik 1.5 – RC

    Laut Twitter @piwik wird die neue Version 2 neue Features beinhalten: Graphen via HTML5 und <canvas>, anstelle von Flash Automatisches Löschen von Logs nach x Tagen, um die Datenbank klein zu halten Laut dem Forum, das den Release Candidate von Piwik 1.5 ankündigt, sind weiter folgende Features beschrieben: Ecommerce Tracking Custom Logos Verbesserte Custom Variablen…